DRAGONFIRE XP 1 million Scoville units make this the hottest key ring in the world.
This practical item is designed for when one is out and about. Particular care is advised in regard to with whom it is shared. We should point out that one microscopic spot of this chilli powder is sufficient to provoke bodily reactions, such as sneezing or throat seizures. The key ring appears as a workaday item, but that is by no means the case. The ‘Bhut Jolokia’, or ‘Naga Jolokia’ ranks as the hottest chilli in the world and is the coarse substance basis of DRAGONFIRE XP Extreme Powder 1 million. Enriched with pure photon energy and ancient mystical knowledge, this substance is available in ample quantities for the first time. With 1 million Scoville units, this is the hottest powder on the planet, around 500 times stronger than the more conventional chilli powder. Handle this product with extreme care! Use in very small dosages and do not apply undiluted! Use at your own risk! Keep well away from children! Not for consumption for persons under 18 years of age. Heat Scale: 10+
Scoville Units: 1.000.000 Ingredients include: Served with pure photon energy and old mystical knowledge, this substance is available in sufficient quantities. 5g Keyring
From: Germany